Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Prayer Request 4/12 -- 4/18

Japan’s bid to be a permanent U.N Security Council member and the recent revision of Japanese school textbooks that “whitewashed” her WWII military campaigns. China is Japan’s largest trading partner. But, China has a love-hate relationship with Japan, enjoying Japanese electronics but deeply suspicious of its onetime aggressor. The same is true for Korea. In order for the Chinese churches to engage in cross-cultural mission, it has to come to terms with this deep-rooted resentment of its neighbor. Let us pray for divine healing .

In a campaign to promote a more “civilized” society, several coastal cities have promoted cremation and have achieved nearly a 80% rate. The government now forbids the formation of funeral processions and caravans. Only simple funeral arrangements are encouraged. Only the memorial services of the pastors are held in church. Usually, believers gather at homes for funeral service for their loved ones. Let us pray that even in these settings, the Gospel maybe shared and witnessed to their unbelieving families .

Chinese Catholics held services for Pope John Paul II while the official media ignored the death entirely, except for its protest of Taiwan’s President attending the funeral in Rome. China’s Catholics were ordered to severe ties with the Vatican in 1951. Official count of Chinese Catholics is 4 millions, but 12 million more are believed to worship underground. In China, the same officials rule over all religions. Let us pray for favor and sympathy for all the churches that are not registered .

The government says that 4000 couples divorce daily which is an increase of 282,000 over 2003. In the past two years the divorce rate has increased by 20% a year. Experts say that the changing social dynamic, lowering of moral standard and a severe lack of marriage counseling are some of the reasons for this problem. Divorce among believers has seen an equally rapid increase as well. Let us remember the four thousand families that are newly broken up as well as the single parents who are in the churches .

In the Forbes Magazine, two Chinese made the list of new billionaires. The media is abuzz and fascinated with their rise to this astronomical wealth. Beijing alone boasts of forty-three Bentley super-luxury cars and Armani expects to open thirty stores in China to cater to the estimate 10-13 million high-end customers. The Chinese economy is expected to grow at 8% a year in the next five years. In general, Chinese believers have been behind in charitable giving. Let us pray for the raising up of Christian volunteerism and philanthropy .

China has banned a sexy satire on Mao Zedong. The Novel “Serve the People” was Mao’s most famous slogan. During the Cultural Revolution, defacing Mao’s image was punishable by death. Even today, Mao’s image is used as a lucky charm for many Beijing taxicabs. The public display of the cross and of Jesus’ image means very little spiritually to the common Chinese. But, many believers mistakenly see the crucifix as a source of magical power. Let us pray for the true meaning of Jesus Christ to be made known among these believers.

According to the Vatican, China has 12 million Catholics. There are a total of 5200 nuns (1700 in underground churches) and 120 aging bishops (average 74 years old). The average age of pastors in China is probably about the same. They have experienced the trying time during the Cultural Revolution. We praise the Lord for their dedication and faithfulness. But let us pray for a smooth transition of leadership and the raising up of a new generation of Joshuas .


在一項名為「打造文明社會」的殯葬改革運動中,有些沿海城市提倡火葬率已高達 80%,政府現禁止奢豪的喪禮和出殯儀式,只允許舉辦簡單的葬禮。在教會中通常只有牧師主持的追悼會,信徒為所愛的亡者在家中聚會並行喪禮。讓我們禱告即使是在簡單葬儀中,神仍幫助信徒透過追思和感恩見證將福音分享給未信的親屬。


民政部統計每天平均有4,000對夫妻離異,比2003年增加2.8萬對。過去兩年來,離婚率以20%的增幅攀升。專家表示 - 社交結構的改變、道德輿論力量式微和缺乏婚姻諮詢輔導是關係破裂的主要原因。信徒間的離婚率也迅速的提升,讓我們為肢體們能堅守盟約,尊重神設聖潔祭壇來禱告,也記念婚姻失敗的家庭,願教會能有愛心和策略來關懷幫助。




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