Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Prayer Request 3/15-3/21

China unveiled law authorizing preemptive attack to prevent Taiwan seeking formal independence, but said an attack would be a last resort. Taiwan plans for million people march for show of solidarity. With the tension and confrontational rhetoric, again we pray for divine wisdom of the national leaders and especially for the revival of the 1 million believers and 4700 churches on the island.

Last year the divorce rate soared by 20% (1.6 million couples) due to the simplified procedures used and the one-child policy. The previous regulations required consent from the employer or a residence committee . There is less stigma to being divorced these days and more people think they have the right to get divorced if they are no longer in love with their spouse. Let us pray for badly needed counseling in family/marriage relationships as well as for more resources for pastors in this area.

100,000 volunteers, mostly college and high school students will be recruited for the 2008 Beijing Olympic. The opening ceremony is expected to attract 4 billions global TV viewers. Government has also order cab drivers to learn English and manner training. Although years away, plans are in place to share Gospel during this 2 week long Olympic event. Let us pray the Chinese believers and ministries who are praying and preparing for this bold outreach effort .

A government survey shows that only ten percent of Chinese in five large cities consider Washington a friendly government. Nearly fifty-seven percent think the United States is trying to contain China due to her close ties with Japan and Taiwan. A large amount of support for Chinese churches, both Three-Self and House churches come from the United States, so this generally negative attitude hampers co-operative efforts. Let us pray for humility of both the giver and the receiver .

A new compulsory testing for HIV/AIDS and venereal disease for all public workers in entertainment, beauty parlors, massage centers, and disco operators sparked controversy. These workers are commonly associated with prostitution and this law implies sanction by the government of prostitution. The temptation to prostitution, not only for believers but for all church workers, is very great in China. Let us pray for the spiritual warfare they face and even more importantly, the guarding of hearts for all Christian workers .

Pharmacies sell all kinds of antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription and nearly everyone takes antibiotics for the common cold and fevers. Fake, impure, and even toxic substances are sold as medicines. RU486, an abortion pill is available for 1 USD each.
Self-medicating and taking medicine is deeply entrenched in the Chinese mentality. Let us pray especially for those young women who must struggle with the decision of abortion.

Many church workers in the rural area are farmers who support themselves and their ministry this way. With the prices for many agricultural products going down, many must seek additional work to survive or even continue to shepherd the flocks in the villages.
Let us pray for the effort of Christian agricultural scientists, church leaders, and some business people in Taiwan who are forming plans to help rural churches achieve sustained economic and spiritual growth.






非處方藥劑在坊間藥房隨手可得,發燒感冒無醫生的處方籤,私自到藥房購買各類抗生素的情形更是常見.RU 486墮胎藥丸,一顆僅售一塊美元.部分不肖業者出售假藥牟利,有些假藥甚至成分含毒.中國人喜歡吃藥,有病吃藥無補身是一種潮流,藥物濫用的情形嚴重.讓我們爲中國人醫藥保健及年輕婦女在墮胎抉擇事上獻上禱告.求神讓祂自己的話語成為這世代最好的良藥,帶領心靈孤寂無依的人,找到真正的生命泉源。


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