Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Prayer request 9/25 -- 10/1

"What is on the mind of Chinese people now?" you may ask. The answer is "stock speculation". When one reads the newspaper, it is almost all about stocks and the Olympics. The mentality of striking it rich by speculating seems to permeate all of China. Recently a large Christian-owned company declared bankruptcy after it lost a large amount on highly speculative ventures. Christians are not immune to greed and we pray that all believers will be reminded to serve the Lord wholeheartedly.

It is said that there are two to three thousands meeting place for worship on Sunday in Beijing. Most of them are about 20-30 people in size. Only those who are “connected” or affiliated with the Three-Self are permitted to have open services. In the past year, there is a strong growth as believers are excited about the coming Olympic. Many of these churches are attended by professionals and college educated. Let us remember all the churches, open and house churches in the capital.

"To rule scientifically, democratically and lawfully" is the slogan the government has been promoting. To arrest people in the house church movement, police must now have a reasonable cause and follow rules to make an arrest legally and without illegal detaining. Recent cases of people being arrested in church meetings involve mostly those in foreigner-led meetings and that is illegal by the book. We pray for safety and good fruit for all the teachers and students in these training sessions.

“Chineseness” –having Chinese own characteristics is the hottest buzz word. The government has been promoting the idea of a "harmonious society" as the Chinese answer to Western style election-based democracy. Does this mean the Communist government will give more room and fewer restrictions on religious practice? We do not know for sure. But, we know the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and we will not stop praying for those who are in power for believers and the advancement of God's work.

The Chinese government says it aims to "rule scientifically" and the constitution allows the freedom of religion but still those in charge insist they must crack down on erroneous religious practices which they consider to be evil and backward. Unfortunately, some charismatic house churches have been included in this category by the government. Fringe Christian groups and those extremely charismatic continue to present a dilemma for churches in China. Let us pray for both a heart of unity and a discerning spirit for all the church leaders.

Gangzhou in the Jiangxi Province is situated where Fujian, Guangdong, and Hunan come together. It is the home of the Hakka people (about 8 million people or 95% of the local population). However, there are few young men in the area since most of them go to work in cities in nearby provinces.One in five of the children in Gangzhou lives with grandparents and this lack of young adults presents great difficulty for church workers there. We pray for the churches in Jiangxi, that the believers will not become discouraged and the pastors will remain faithful to their calling.

Are Chinese foods healthy because they are rich in oil, salt and sugar? From time to time, news reports complains about the health values of the varieties of dishes Chinese restaurants offer. Chinese restaurants are where Chinese gather and is a natural place for outreach. Let us pray for the spiritual health of all the believers who work in restaurant. They work long hours and often are marginalized in church.




擁有「中國特色」是當今最熱的名詞。政府推行所謂的「合諧社會」就是有中國特色的社會主義 – 有別于西方民主多黨自由選舉的寬鬆政策呢?在此氛圍下,教會是否因此就擁有更多的發展空間,少一些限制呢?「王的心,在耶和華手中」,因此我們持續為執政掌權者禱告。



西方媒體常有中餐館的食物對健康危害的負面報導。中式餐點多油、多鹽、多糖,就要被冠上不“健康”的惡名嗎?西方漢堡包、炸薯條、匹薩餅、炸雞塊,這些食品哪一種不是高脂肪、高熱量? 中國餐廳是華人喜歡聚集的地方,也是方便我們向同胞傳福音的好場所。從事餐飲業的信徒由於工作時間長而且週末無休,經常因無法參加聚會而在教會被邊緣化,讓我們特別為他們的屬靈健康禱告。

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Prayer Request 9/18 -- 9/24

After the release of the short term missionaries in Afghanistan, Korean Christians faced criticisms for ignoring the government warning of not going to Afghanistan and proselytizing in Muslim countries.We thank the Lord for the bold witness and missionary zeal of Korean churches who in many ways are the models. We pray for the safety and fruitfulness of thousands of Korean missionaries in China.

According to President Hu Jin-tao, the Communist Party must abide by the law. When it comes to the cracking down on house church meetings, there has been a dramatic change in the way it is carried out and the final outcome. There are now a group of Christian lawyers in Beijing who dialogue with the government and intervene on behalf of churches. We thank the Lord for this and pray that more believers will be knowledgeable of the law and the government policy to help churches cope with matters of registration and compliance with government regulations.

In Chongqing eighty percent of the elementary school teachers complain of too much pressure. They state demanding parents, long work hours, being single, and the new system of changing from a permanent position to a contract system based on performance as the reasons. We take this time to pray for all the Sunday school teachers in China. This is often a thankless job so we ask the Lord to grant them wisdom, faithfulness in serving the little ones, and a passion to reach children for Christ.

At least 3 million professional social workers are needed in China. Chinese social work is in its infancy and is such professionals are unheard of in many parts of the country.. Currently, 10,000 college graduates are going into this field from 200 universities. In general, very few Christians are involved in social works, as the churches tend to be disconnected with community. Let us pray for vision and zeal of more believers engaging in demonstrating the compassion of Christ by serving their communities.

Government has approved 86 international schools across the country, including 38 in Beijing and Shanghai. There are no regulations preventing foreign children from entering Chinese schools, but cities want to have international school to attract foreign investment. Let us pray for all the kids from believing families attending these international schools and many of the teachers who are in China with the primary purpose of sharing the Gospel with Chinese.

This is the 30th anniversary of the reinstitution of university entrance examination. During the 10 year period of Cultural Revolution, education in all forms came to a halt. Today, college attendance is at all time high, but employment after graduation is still not guaranteed. We take this time praying for all the believers in colleges and those who will come to know Jesus through Bible studies on campus this year. May the Lord bless all these small groups as they welcome and connect with new incoming students.

The government has severely restricted foreign investment in China's real estate but the feverish tide of foreign investments has not abated at all. In China, foreigners are limited to buying one house or apartment. With the skyrocketing prices for housing and appreciation of the Renminbi, people with a foreign passport must decide whether to buy a house or not. We pray especially for those who are "haigui", the returnees who have come not only for a job but to serve the local churches, too.



據重慶的一項調查顯示,近八成的小學教師投訴壓力太大。壓力來源包括:家長要求過高、工作時間過長(導致已婚者婚姻亮紅燈、單身者則沒時間談戀愛)、以及實行招聘制 (教職不再是鐵飯碗,學校以其工作表現來考慮續聘,無形增加工作壓力。)讓我們在禱告中記念內地的主日學老師,他們正承擔一份吃重又少有掌聲的服事。願主賜他們教導的恩賜、一份培育小羊的忠心並有向青年人傳揚信仰的熱忱。





Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Prayer Requesr 9/11 -- 9/17

Robert Morrison led only 10 Chinese to Christ in his entire missionary career 200 years ago. One of them, Liang Fa became the first Chinese pastor and evangelist who went on to lead more people to Jesus. Even today many Chinese believers trace their Christian heritage to foreign missionaries. We remember and pray for God's blessing on all the descendants of those who have served faithfully in China, and especially for those who are still serving the Chinese.

Mrs. Liang Fa was the first female Protestant believer and also the first pastor's wife. Although we know her husband was converted and then ordained by Robert Morrison, we know little about her except that she was from the same village as her husband. We seldom think about the spouses of church workers. We take this time to pray for them and give thanks for their sacrifice, for supporting their spouses, and facilities by holding down a job, and for their own spiritual walk with Jesus.

Micro-loan programs are an innovative way of helping residents in impoverished regions. Some mission agencies use the system to help people improve their lives or start small businesses but such programs require close supervision to succeed.We pray for poor believers who are enrolled in these programs, especially those in Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan. May the Lord bless the good work of those who serve them and reward the faith of the believers in spite of their poverty.

Recently more and more signs saying "No Smoking Allowed" are appearing in public areas in China but as a matter of fact, most smokers simple ignore them. Being a second-hand smoker is a reality in the lives of Chinese believers. Let us pray for all the new believers who need divine strength to kick this habit.

Despite the government's best efforts, illiteracy is actually increasing in China, especially in rural and impoverished areas. Many start school only to drop out later and remain functionally illiterate. The Union Version of the Bible is nearly a hundred years old and it is hard for these people to understand. Let us pray for both spiritual literacy and training in Bible reading for the people in rural Chinese churches.

China has announced that the Beijing Olympics will be smoke-free. There are an estimated 350 million smokers in the country. It is the world's largest producer of tobacco and also manufactures a third of the world's cigarettes. Although there are smoking bans in public places, not all are enforced. Almost all the believers have some one in their family who smokes. Let us pray for believers as they convey the health hazards of smoking and most importantly as they share gently and graciously the salvation of Jesus with them.

The biggest resort-casino in Asia opened in Macau. In 2006, the former Portuguese colony overtook Las Vegas as the number one city for gambling. Since the beginning of the casino expansion in 2002, Macau has become the Chinese gambling Mecca, with 90% of their clients from the Mainland. We take this time to remember the churches in Macau, praying for a spiritual revival. And we, too, pray for all the believers whose loved ones gamble. Gambling goes hand-in-hand with many family problems: abuse, alcoholism and shame.

兩百年前馬禮遜一生的事奉只帶領了十個中國人歸向基督。其中, 梁發成為第一名中國牧師和宣教士, 繼續帶領更多人相信耶穌。即至今天,許多國內的信徒仍可從外國傳教士追溯出他們的基督教根源。 讓我們以記念所有在中國忠誠服事的外國宣教士及其後裔, 尤其目前還在國內工場服事的,求上帝特別保守祝福他們.

中國第一個新教女信徒並第一位師母是梁發牧師的妻子黎氏。 雖然我們知道馬禮遜按立梁發為中國第一個新教傳教士,但對於這位黎氏的認識卻不多,只知她和丈夫是來自同一個村莊。華人教會一向很少會紀念到教牧同工的配偶。我們特別感謝她們長期支持配偶事奉所做出的犧牲和在牧養上的全力搭配, 求主親自成為她們的力量和安慰,保守她們靈性的健壯。






Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Prayer Request 9/4 -- 9/10

Robert Morrison came to China on September 7th, 1807. He first learned the Chinese language secretly and quickly became an expert. By 1823, he had published an important piece of work, the Chinese-English Dictionary. Being able to share the Gospel in Chinese is difficult for many. We pray for all who are learning the language now and planning to reach Chinese for Christ, not just the English speakers but also Koreans and even Africans.

Seven years after Robert Morison arrived in China, William Milne who was 3 years younger arrived from England to assist him. Unable to settle in the Macau, he went to Malacca where they founded the Anglo Chinese College in 1818. Both men were succeeded by their sons who continued serving God in China. We thank the Lord for all the missionaries and pastors who have served and encouraged their children to serve. May the Lord bless abundantly these descendants of the righteous.

Many of the early missionaries in China, including Robert Morrison, arrived in Guangdong Province. Despite two hundred years of evangelistic effort there, Guangdong is still "hard soil" in comparison to other regions of China. Some of the contributing factors are secularism, lack of workers, and poor location of the churches (mostly in old towns). Let us pray specifically for Guangdong churches. May the Lord awaken all of His own people to turn from being lukewarm and be passionate for His Word.

Liang Fa, the first Chinese Protestant evangelist, was ordained by Robert Morrison in 1821. He used simple language in both preaching and writing. One pamphlet titled “Quan Shi Liang Yan” (The Benevolent Words to Advise the World) was most influential. We pray for the powerful impact and deep influence of all who are involved in literature ministry. May the Lord raise up a new generation of powerful writers that will spur Chinese believers to be more fervent for Him.

It is remarkable that in recent speeches highly-ranking party officials have used terms such as democracy, lawfulness, liberty, equality, human rights, and kindness. Does this signal a shift in the attitude of the government toward churches? We pray there will be more opportunities for churches to share the gospel publicly and that churches can be free to own their own property.

The city of Beijing is nearly full since its population has surged past 17 million. Many (5.1 million) of its residents are considered migrants because they do not have a "hukou" (are not registered) there so their children cannot attend regular schools.Beijing churches tend to have more intellectual and young members than those in other areas. We pray for the many retreats they will be hosting for college students in the coming months that they will be a time of harvest of souls and a hunger for God's Word rather than merely a time of philosophical debates.

China continues its soul searching on the quality and safety of products made there as more "Made in China" food, toys, and electronic products are being recalled due to safety concerns. The government has imposed stiff penalties and sentences on violators who produce these inferior goods. In China it is common for churches to exaggerate the numbers of people coming to the services to give a false impression of a vibrant ministry. Let us pray that pastors will resist this temptation and go to a focus on the spiritual transformation of believers.

1807年9月7日,馬禮遜進入廣州,秘密自學中文,預備向中國人傳福音。 开始時雖遇許多艱難,但不久他的中文已學得相當好。1823年馬禮遜出版了一部漢英對照字典:《華英字典》是劃時代的重要貢獻。對很多人來說,用華語分享信仰是一件相當困難的事。讓我們為那些現正學習中文並計劃向華人傳福音的弟兄姊妹禱告,當中不乏英、美籍人士,也有韓國人及非洲人,求主賜給他們語言的恩賜和堅定的信心。

1807年馬禮遜牧師隻身來華宣教,七年後才有另一位比他小三歲的英國同胞米憐牧師成為他宣教工場的得力助手。由於米憐無法停留在澳門,後來與馬禮遜一起籌辦南亞的馬六甲英華書院(Anglo Chinese College)於1818年成為首任校長。兩位宣教士都有兒子接棒,承繼在華的服事。讓我們為所有祖孫多代曾在中國服事神的宣教士、牧者及信徒感恩,求主更多祝福義人的後裔。

許多早期傳教士, 包括馬禮遜, 首先踏足中國的是廣東省。 儘管福音事工在廣東省已努力推動了二百年,至今該省仍是塊基督信仰的「硬土」。本地福音無法擴散的因素是:教會世俗化、缺乏傳道人和教會地點不理想(在老城區)。讓我們特別為廣東的教會祈禱。祈求上帝喚醒所有沈睡的子民, 能渴慕神的話, 追求靈命的成長。

梁發是中國教會史上第一位華人牧師。他是由第一位來華宣教士馬禮遜在1821 年按立。梁發擅長以深入淺出的話語來傳講福音和寫作,最著名的著作是《勸世良言》,影響了整個世代,尤其是來自花縣的秀才,後來成立太平天國的洪秀全。讓我們為文字事工禱告,因能超越時空,對人心發揮廣大深遠的影響力。願主興起更多優秀新生代作家,透過文章吸引中國人熱心歸主。



近來「中國製造」的食品、玩具,還有機電產品,因為質量和食品安全有問題,在國外被召回。這些事件引起中國政府高度的重視,展開一連串殺雞儆猴式的嚴厲懲罰。國內教會通常在編撰各項事工報告上,也常流於誇大不實並缺乏驗証制度,往往帶給人不切實際的假象及錯誤評估。 求主幫助我們抗拒虛榮的誘惑,專心依靠祂的引領,再次集中精力於建造信徒的靈命工程上。