Delinquent youth aged 14 - 25 now account for seventy percent of all violent crimes committed in China. Recently there has been a dramatic increase in theft, robbery, and gang activities by youth. Historically Chinese churches have been unable to attract or reach youth. Youth workers and advisors are sadly lacking or unheard of. Let us remember the small minority of churches that have youth fellowships or Bible studies for their young people.
The very first group of Chinese who left Shanghai in 1872 and went abroad to study was a group of thirty teenagers sent by the Qing Dynasty to Yale University. That formally opened the door for every Chinese student to study abroad. This year a record number of Chinese students will arrive in North America, Europe, England, and Russia. Let us pray for the harvesting of this new crop as churches gear up to receive them .
Recently a national debate focused on the affordability of medical care. Medical doctors are accepting "red packets" (red envelopes packed with money) from the families of patients. It is customary to give 3000-5000 yuan ($500. US) in order to ensure "special care". The Bible assures us that God is not partial. Let us remember all the believers who require medical care, especially all the church workers, because they are unable to afford medical insurance .
In the interior of China only four percent of the women consider themselves pretty. Chinese women desire these plastic surgery procedures the most: removing wrinkles (29%) whitening of skin (25%) facial (18%) and breast augmentaton (8%). How do the Chinese women believers see themselves, their role, and their contribution to the church? Let us pray for more women's Bible study groups and support groups for single mothers .
How do Chinese couples say, "Till death do us part"? The current favorite wedding vows are literally "You are my heart, my liver, 75% of my life" or "You are my gut, my stomach, and the rose of my heart". During the Cultural Revolution, the newly weds sang patriotic or anti-American songs.Government says divorce rate increased by 21% last year. Let us remember all the Christians who pledge their lives together to live for Jesus .
Shenyang's food festival featuring the "Mang Han Banquet" drew criticism for its great excess. The 196-course dinner was originally served for the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. While the living standard has greatly improved, many believers in minority groups in the Western provinces still live far below the poverty level. Let us remember the vast economic gap between the Han Chinese and believers in minority groups .
No one knows the exact number of babies that are "thrown away" every day. All these abandoned infants are either girls or have congenital deformities. Poor parents justify their actions because of high medical costs. The "one-child" policy adds to the pressure of having a healthy boy. Let us pray for all believers who have "not-so-perfect" children. For them we pray for the patience and mercy of God as they rear these children .
七成以上的亞洲女性仰賴他人(丈夫/伴侶)的觀點定義美麗與否,內地女性這一比例只占到15%,內地女性缺乏自信?僅4%認爲自己美麗。中國七成的女性認爲30歲前最美,45%的女性自認體重過重,八成會使用化妝品修飾自己。最熱衷的美容手術是拉皮(29%),美白 (25%)、臉(18%)和隆胸(8%)。中國女性信徒如何看待自己、自我定位和對教會的貢獻?求主親自看顧、供應更多的婦女查經小組和單親支援小組。
瀋陽美食節展演「天下第一宴」的清宮御膳滿漢全席,共有冷熱葷素196道菜品, 耗資二十餘萬元人民幣。當人們生活水平大幅提昇時,西北省份許多的民眾仍處在貧窮線以下。讓我們記念存在於漢族與少數民族信徒間的貧富差距,求主感動兄弟姊妹有愛心彼此肢體相顧。
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Prayer Request 8/30--9/5
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Prayer Request 8/23--8/29
The first joint China-Russia military exercise is being watched closely, codenamed “Peace Mission 2005.” It is said to be anti-terrorist in nature, but involves several large amphibious landings.The specter of the renewed Sino-Russian alliances worries all Asian neighbors and Taiwan especially. Let us pray for the many Chinese churches along the borders which were once very active 10 years ago .
In the next twenty years China will need 55,000 new commercial pilots and 2400 new planes. Currently there are 800 commercial aircraft and many Chinese airlines employ foreign pilots. Chinese pilots and aircraft mechanics receive their training abroad. Let us remember all the Chinese churches reaching out to these trainees with the gospel .
Are executed prisoners becoming a source of organs for transplants? The government insists that all donations are voluntary and uncompensated. Officials say many families refuse to claim the bodies of prisoners because of the guilt of the crime. China has become both the market for and has the need for human organs but only the super-rich can afford organ transplants. Let us pray for all those who need liver and kidney transplants. May all Chinese come to know Christ Who gave Himself for all !
According to an unreleased government survey, Shenzhen won the infamy of the worst city in China for corruption, crime, a large gap between the rich and the poor, and fake goods. In fact, the large cities in Guangdong and Fujian all ranked in this same class. Believers in these coastal cities are generally much more affluent then in the inland cities and face tremendous temptation. Let us pray for their witness and their willingness to give and help support poorer churches inland .
Is it time for another round of fighting serious crime? China recently conducted three campaigns to rid society of criminal elements but the results have all been short-lived according to the Chief of Police in Beijing. In general believers are ambivalent toward the Public Security Bureau. Let us pray for the salvation and ethical integrity of all those who try to safeguard the security of the nation.
Buying a house in China is merely purchasing a 70-year land lease. Chinese laws clearly state that the land is government-owned but the government does reserve the right to continue the lease when it is due. Church-owned properties fall into this legal gray area as well. Let us pray for all the churches raising funds and seeking to find a more permanent building in order to expand their ministries .
More than 85% of toddlers in Shanghai live with their grandparents. Many grandparents are forced to retire at fifty years of age so caring for their grandchildren is both an enjoyment and a source of income (about 600-1000 yuan a month). Let us pray for all the Christian grandparents who help with rearing their grandchildren. May they have a great witness not only to their children but also to the babies they care for .
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Prayer Request 8/16--8/22
Chinese Valentine's Day is August 11th (7th day of the 7th lunar month). Buying gifts for loved ones has caught on as the society has become westernized. However, reports of domestic violence have increased dramatically partly because more women are now speaking out against abuse. We ask your prayer for the integrity of marriage for all the pastors and church workers. Hard work and temptation have destroyed many, many of God's workers.
Shenzhen, a city across from Hong Kong, became a metropolis of twelve million in a period of twenty years. It has now experienced its first season of decline in the influx of rural workers--down 200,000 people over the previous year. The educational level of sixty percent of the city is ninth grade or lower. Let us pray for all the churches there and their hard effort in reaching out to the factory workers.
Sixty percent of youth aged 10-29 years participate in fortune-telling or luck-changing activities. One in three of them believes in and practices these activities with great interest and a hope to change the future. Hong Kong has long been known for her proclivity toward superstition. Let us pray for a powerful testimony of the people in the nearly three thousand churches there.
The online auctioneer eBay expects its revenue from China to jump thirty percent or more this year. In spite of the lack of a system for easy payment, China is the world's fastest growing e-commerce market. The government expects the number of online shoppers to reach 16.2 million as it grips the internet tightly with content filter. Let us pray for all those who use the internet to get Bible study materials and share church news news.
Snow White and the Seven Shaolin Monks? Walt Disney plans to shoot a kung fu version of its 1937 animated classic for the Chinese market. Disneyland in Hong Kong expects large crowds from China when it opens in September. In spite of these opportunities for children to enjoy worldly entertainment, there is very little indigenous and contextualized Bible story or reading materials for them. Let us remember all the children's ministries and the development of materials for Sunday schools.
China has produced and sold more cars this year than ever before--a 9.35 percent increase. Nearly sixty-seven percent of them are Chinese brands. Shanghai now has two million cars which is the number officials had originally projected for the year 2020. Driving to church is not new in many Chinese cities. However, urban churches must cope with unprecedented parking problems. Let us pray for the growth of large churches and the trend toward branch churches.
China ranks at the bottom in terms of equitable health care and the government admits the current medical system is not working. Even minor surgery can deplete one's life-time savings. Church workers have no medical insurance at all and there is virtually no money for even simple medical care or preventive check-ups. Let us pray for ministries that will see and help meet this great need .
今年七夕情人節 (農曆7/7 )在西曆的8/11。西風東漸,中國人也開始流行彼此送禮在這個特殊的日子表達情意。近來女權意識的普遍覺醒,受虐於家暴的婦女越來越勇於站出來,使得每年家暴案件數量大幅上升,家庭與婚姻品質令人憂心。求主特別保守牧者與同工們,在人前能見証神所賜福的聖潔婚姻與完整家庭,不因忙碌的服事及世俗的試探而忽略經營與配偶、家人的關係。
儘管缺乏一套方便付帳的系統,和在政府設下更嚴密的過濾監控閥之下,預估中國上網購物將達1, 620萬人,是全球網路商品交易市場中成長最快速的國家。著名網上拍賣公司e-Bay預期該公司今年在中國的營收成長將超過30%。讓我們求主親自以智慧與能力引領網路福音事工,並預備人心能得見神的真光來禱告。
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
PRayer Request 8/9--8/15
“China naked”? Google offers free satellite pictures of China, in resolution down to one meter. Government complains that this is tantamount to espionage. Details of many Chinese cities can be seen online. More than half of Chinese believers still meet secretly. Our Lord hears the prayers of those in chambers as well in open. Let us remember all who could not meet and worship freely in open.
Large-scale riots have become common in China. Recently an automobile accident in Chizhou, Anhui turned ugly with people fighting with police and cars being burned. Mass gatherings on the street are forbidden and quickly dispersed. Last year, however, a group was able to hold an open-air evangelistic meeting without interference. Let us pray for more such bold moves by the believers and churches.
Local media will be forbidden to allot their channels or jointly produce radio and television content with foreign organizations beginning July, 2005. Such restriction will dim any hope of in-China airing of Christian programs produced overseas.We pray for the days that radio and TV in China will carry Christian programming, and Chinese citizens can tune in for Christian music and preaching.
Guangzhou leads the nation of China with 110,000 registered drug abusers (nearly one-seventh of all of China). The provincial government admits that this is a serious problem because it is also a major conduit of narcotic traffic.In Hong Kong across from Guangzhou there are several successful Christian ministries involving drug rehabilitation. Let us pray as they extend their ministries and expertise into China.
“Honesty does not pay.” Say 90% of middle school students, aged from 12 to 16 in Chongqing. If there was an illegal factory in the neighborhood, 50% of these students will not report it to the police. Are the Chinese youth become just as pragmatic as their parents? Let us agai n pray for all the youth who have believing parents, for their relationship with God and Daniel-like non-compromising attitude.
The “new minggong” – the new generation of 18 – 25 years old rural youth who seek work in the cities. They have more education, expect more pay and leisure in life, but have much less endurance for hard work. As nearly all the young people flocking to cities, what is remained in rural churches are elderly and their grandchildren. We need to pray for the “decline” in the vitality of rural churches.
“A shortage of worker in the Pearl River Delta?” Many companies have to pay more to attract worker, in recent months, 800 or more, instead of 700 is the going rate. While factories pays are higher, the wages of rural churches have stagnated. Rural believers have not been challenged to give and church workers also rely on side-jobs to make ends meet. Let us pray for the financial independence and cheerful giving of rural churches.
「看透全中國?」著名網路搜尋引擎Google推出全球動態衛星影像地圖『Google Earth』,只要輸入城市名,輕按滑鼠搜尋,包括中南海等國家領導人的辦公地點及北京全貌,都清楚地呈現衛星影像。眾兒女禱告的主,不拘透過何種形式都能達到神施恩的寶座。讓我們為能有這項特權感恩,也在禱告中記念還不能自由聚會和公開敬拜讚美的肢體。
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Prayer Request 8/2--8/8
A mysterious pig-borne illness outbreak killed more than 30, as Chinawas gripped with fear of eating any pork, the nation's favorite meat.China is the world's largest consumer and producer of pork, withSichuan accounting for about 14 percent of all pigs slaughtered.Sichuan has begun to educate 2 millions poor farmers not to slaughteror eat sick pigs. Let us remember all the churches in Sichuan,historically smaller and weaker. In recent years, campus ministrieshave flourished .
In Chinese cities the average age for the first sexual experience is17.4 years. Nearly one in five of the respondents approved ofpremarital sex and more men than women said, "There is nothing wrongwith it." The government has tried to stem this tide of immorality butwithout success. Let us pray for the guarding of the hearts of allyoung believers and a strong teaching of abstinence in the churched .
Companies have started to offer kidnap insurance for the growing rankof millionaires (an estimated three million or more). An annualpremium of 500 yuan buys a ransom of 797,500 yuan. Several highprofile kidnappings have fueled insecurity among the rich. Let us prayfor the safety of all foreign church workers and their families. We also pray that more will know about the God who has redeemed them fromsin through His Son .
Party officials who burn incense and pray for promotions bother manyParty loyalists who espouse atheism. Going to the temple to pray forgood fortune has returned with a vengeance to China. Even young peopleare flocking there to pray for good grades as well as mates. Let uspray for a quickening in the pace of evangelism .
The educational gap between cities and rural areas is continuallywidening. In 2001 nearly one hundred percent of city students enteredhigh school while the national average was only fifty-three percent.Half of the students in the country do not finish even middle school.A majority of the rural pastors have only a middle school educationand thus they are limited in their ability to study and enrich theirmessages. Let us pray for the educational quality of rural pastors andtheir children .
In coastal provinces like Fijian and Zhejiang many high schoolstudents do not take the college entrance examination but chooseinstead to go to Europe as illegal immigrants. "Making a hundred Euroa day is better than staying in China!" they say. Young people fromWenzhou and Fuzhou simple choose to seek better lives abroad. Let uspray for all the churches and mission efforts directed at these twogroups of immigrants, especially those in Europe .
Much of the salt that is labeled as having iodine added is actuallywithout iodine. Some forty percent of edible salt in Tibet and nearlytwenty percent of that in Beijing is fake. Lack of iodine is blamedfor millions new cases of developmental disorder yearly. Fake goodsare a part of China's daily life but fake salt is very damaging. Letus pray for the millions of believers who are fed the true Word ofGod. May the Lord also raise many more who will live to be true Lightand Salt for Jesus .