Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Prayer Request 3/25 - 3/31

TuesdayAmerica's first lady traveling to China with her mother and daughters--three generations of women all traveling together--is a subtle gesture to support Chinese values and the family bond. Officials are calling this visit a "people to people" trip without a political agenda. Most of the churches in China find it difficult to minister to more than one generation in their churches. Often either the older or the younger generation is neglected. We pray there will always be a strong sense of family in the churches and that believers of all ages will know they are loved unconditionally there.
Michelle Obama is a natural leader who spends a lot of time with her two daughters. In China there is a generally hushed regret about having a daughter, let alone two. To have a good relationship between mothers and daughters is rare and very positive for people there. Ladies in China who have only daughters are often regarded as incomplete because there is no male heir. We pray specifically for Christian families with only girls. May the Lord bless them with a special purpose and wisdom, knowing they will raise godly women and that the Lord has a special purpose for their daughters.
The significance of three generations of the first family of the United States traveling together is not lost on the Chinese people and definitely appreciated by most of them. The First Lady will be addressing young students as well as older people. It is our prayer that many young Christian girls in China will be inspired by this special visit. We pray that every young believer will know God can use her no matter where she comes from whether a village or a city, a poor or a rich family, if she has or has not graduated from college, and whether she is beautiful or only average looking.
One of China's controversial "baby rescue station" has been shut down at least temporarily. The facility in Guangzhou has been receiving five abandoned babies daily until now it has no capability to take more. It was meant to take babies who would likely die by being abandoned on the street. Guangzhou is also the capital for adopting babies to foreign countries. We pray especially for the tens of thousands of Chinese babies who have been adopted and are now living abroad, many with Christian families. May the Lord reward those families and raise up some of these adopted children to have a powerful testimony of God's grace and love.
While abandoning infants in China is illegal, the practice is relatively widespread, especially in poorer areas. All 262 babies received suffer from disabilities or diseases such as cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome and congenital heart disease. Many young mothers go to “rescue center” to abandon their unwanted infants hoping they will be adopted abroad and have a better life. We pray for all Christian parents who live in regret of being a poor or irresponsible parent. May they know the Lord's forgiveness, and His comfort and joy.
The staggering number of infants who have been abandoned in the cities of China has meant that the baby rescue center's operator has not been able to keep up with the volume. Guangzhou has only eleven hundred beds to care for handicapped children and they are already full. Let us lift up all the churches and Christians in China who are involved in caring for abandoned children, orphans, and those who are severely handicapped. May the Lord greatly reward them for caring for and showing the love of Jesus for "the least of these".
In China many young mothers take their sick babies to big cities in the hope of having them cured but then they simply end up abandoning them because of the huge costs of medical care. We know how sad it is for a human being to be abandoned by parents so we want to pray for Christians who are "abandoned" by their families because of their persistent faith in Jesus Christ. We know they will have a great reward in heaven and we know God will comfort them.

美國第一夫人帶著她的母親和女兒,三代女人一起造訪中國,這是對中國傳統價值和家庭關係的微妙肯定。官方宣稱這次訪問是純粹的「人民對人民」之旅,沒有任何政治議程。 許多中國教會發現他們無法做到多代的關懷,照顧到老一代,就遺失了年輕信徒。 教會是屬靈的家,我們為每個信徒來到教會,都學習彼此配搭,共建神家禱告,好使教會中每位成員能明白主無條件的愛。
為了及時發現和救助棄嬰,部分中國城市試辦福利院「嬰兒安全島」以收容棄嬰。廣州市試辦以來,竟然每天平均接收五個棄嬰,超出福利院的極限,目前宣告暫停接受棄嬰。 廣州是中國嬰兒領養的首都。數以萬計的寶寶被外國家庭領養,其中不少是會在基督教的家庭長大。我們為她們感恩,求主賞賜這些愛心家庭,也使用這些孩子來為神的恩典大愛作有力的見證。

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Prayer Request 3/18 - 3/24

TuesdayChina has finally dropped its "one-child policy" for urban couples that are Han Chinese even if only one parent is an only child. Rural couples who are non-Han or where both parents were only children have already been allowed to have two children. This decision will definitely be a huge boost to children's ministry in coming years. We pray that all churches will capture this huge opportunity for spiritual growth in children as well as in youth ministry and gear up their Sunday school training classes as well as dedicating more resources to them.
The new policy of allowing two children per couple in China will be in force for only urban Han parents who were both the product of two-child homes, a fairly small proportion of the population. However, this should lead to about 9.5 million new births a year and eventually to a larger labor force. We pray for vision and burden for the leaders in the churches and that they will see this tremendous opportunity for embracing more children in the churches of China. Older leaders often fail to see the importance of children's ministry and even worse, consider it a drain on their limited resources.
A baby boom would help to compensate for the rapidly greying nation and then when these babies grow up, it would increase the number of people who could support the aging population. Many churches do not have a significant ministry or program for older children so the parents stop taking them to church. We pray for children of believers who have stopped attending church because of boredom or lack of friends there. May the Lord give the churches of China an urgency to reclaim their lost youth.
Probably the most important effect of changing the one-child policy in China is that it could end forced abortions. Allowing people to have more children now should quickly boost consumption of goods like infant formula, food, clothing, and educational services. Christian parents want Christian reading material for their children but often cannot find any. There is a huge need for Bible-based curriculum and reading materials. We pray that God will raise up people or ministries to meet this need.
China's cultural preference for boys has meant that for many years parents have used various ways to avoid having a daughter. Thus, many more boys have been born than girls. In 2004, the highest year on record, there were 121.2 boys born for each 100 girls. Christian parents need to know that God has entrusted children to their care and desire that their children come to love and serve God. We pray that more churches will stress this important teaching rather than merely asking God to bless their children with good health and high grades in school.
One of the results of the one-child policy is that by 2020 there will be 30 - 35 million more Chinese men of marriageable age than there are women. Removing this policy won't change the cultural preferences but it may ease the pressure on parents if their first child is a girl. Let us pray especially for parents who have daughters. May the Lord give them wisdom in knowing how to teach them Biblical values concerning godly womanhood. We pray that mothers will model what the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 looks like and that fathers will be a source of love and gentleness, a visible reminder to them of our invisible Heavenly Father.
Because they do not have siblings, many couples in China who are thirty-four and younger are the sole inheritors of the wealth of their four parents. When the parents die, their children get at least two extra homes, and given present trends in investments, likely more. Let us pray especially for Christians in this category. They can usually depend financially on their parents but their unbelieving parents will often impose traditional values and demands on them as well. May the Lord give each of them a good testimony before the parents and opportunities to share Jesus with them.

一胎化政策雖仍對城市中雙方都來自兩個孩子的家庭的漢族夫妻有效,但他們只佔極小的比率,故此政策的改變應該會每年為中國帶來950萬新生兒,慢慢為中國增加勞動人口。 老一代傳道人往往不重視兒童事工,有些信徒還是認為兒童事工浪費教會寶貴且有限的資源。我們為教會領袖有遠見及負擔祈求,求主讓神兒女把握機會,培育教會第二代,造就屬靈承傳的新血輪。
未來的嬰兒潮勢必能彌補中國人口老化的趨勢,有更多的勞動者來支付龐大的退休制度。然而此政策能改變的太少也太遲了,因中國勞動人口預計在2025年開始下降,每年減少一千萬人。 許多教會沒有合適較大兒童的事工或聚會,造成信徒家長放棄帶孩子來教會。我們為停止聚會的信徒子女祈求,也許他們認為教會無聊,亦沒有朋友,願神激動眾教會感受此迫切性,為主尋回失落的第二代。
一胎化政策的改變,最重要的影響是減少強迫墮胎的情況。更多生育會刺激嬰兒奶粉、孩童食物和衣服,和教育等 。信徒父母盼望能有更多兒童屬靈讀物,但是往往找不到也買不到。合適孩童的聖經課程與以聖經為基礎的兒童讀物實在太少了,我們求主興起忠心的弟兄姊妹撰寫兒童屬靈讀物,又預備出版事工的人手,回應此需要。
中國人傳統重男輕女,很多夫妻使用各種方式避免生女兒,因而造成嚴重男女失衡。2004年是有記錄以來比率失調最高的一年, 男女比例為121.2比100。我們為更多信徒認識真理禱告,子女是神託付給我們照管理的,祂要求我們為祂養育敬虔愛主的第二代,而不是僅僅向神求孩子的健康和好成績。
預計到2020年,中國適婚年齡群中,男性比女性將超出3千萬至3千五百萬人。 改變一胎制度不會改變傳統的重男輕女觀念,但是會減低夫妻生頭胎是女兒的壓力。我們特別為有女兒的信徒父母禱告 ,求主賜給他們智慧,教導女兒成為合神心意、敬虔的女子。願母親們都是箴言中賢慧的婦女,父親們滿有慈愛和溫柔,幫助孩子們認識看不見的天父 。

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Prayer Request 3/11 - 3/17

TuesdayThe attack in Kunming strains the already tense relations between China's Han and Uighurs. Kunming as the capital of Yunnan is a rare city, where so many ethnic groups reside and intermingle very peacefully. There are many Christian ministries and charitable projects in Yunnan. We pray that this tragic incident will not impede the good works done there and the harmonious relationship built up with the officials.
To the regular Chinese, Xinjiang is a land of sweet melons, colorful mosques and an exotic people fond of impromptu song and dance. But, the prejudice toward Uighurs, the majority residents of Xinjiang is totally different. People in the churches in China talk much about how their mission efforts to the Muslims are superior to those of the Westerners. We pray they will first of all be humble, have a deeper understanding of the Muslims and then add on the compassion of our Lord without any ethnic superiority.
In the eyes of the average Chinese, Uighurs or any Muslims from Xinjiang are people who sell nut-and-fig cakes or grilled lamb kabobs on the street. Even children are told that Uighurs all carry knives and make money as pickpockets so they cannot be trusted. Christians claim that the Muslims far away need the Lord but they still have much distrust of and even despise the Muslims on the street. We pray that each of us will deeply reflect our own view of the Muslim minorities in the light of the Lord's compassion within us.
Decades of propaganda by the Communist Party have failed to soothe the distrust and suspicion that colors the attitudes of many Han Chinese people whose interactions with Uighurs are often limited to fleeting exchanges on the streets of cities in China. We pray for a good relationship between the Han Chinese and all ethnic minorities to improve their living conditions and not merely to assimilate them into the culture. May the Lord raise up Christians who can put themselves in the shoes of the Uighurs and become their advocates.
Many Han Chinese people in Xinjiang see themselves as second-class citizens as compared with the Uighurs and feel the governmental policy favors the Uighurs but the Uighurs themselves generally think otherwise. Mosques are everywhere in Xinjiang but churches are very rare and Christian gatherings are greatly restricted. We pray for the Han Christians there that they will be salt and light with the passion to share Jesus Christ with their friends.
Although the government emphasizes that Chinese people are not merely the Han people but include many ethnic groups sharing the same cultural heritage, many of the ethnic minority groups who have their own culture, language, religion, and history of independence, such as the Tibetans, Mongolians, and Uighurs do not see themselves as Chinese. We pray for salvation of Muslim students studying in Xinjiang. We also pray for wisdom for the political leaders in Xinjiang to know how to improve the volatile situation there and also open the doors to the gospel and give Christian churches favorable opportunities.
There are Muslims who bear deep hatred for Han Chinese or the religious extremists, like those who are in the independence movement but they are in the minority. The great majority of Muslims are friendly and hospitable. We pray that out of this tragedy there will be many more who will pray for the Muslims in China and believers who will befriend them, even become experts and advocates for them rather than just wanting ethnic minorities to be assimilated

漢人普遍對新疆的了解,一般限於那裡的哈密瓜、色彩斑斕的清真寺,以及滿溢能歌善舞回族人的異域情調;但對維吾爾族人或新疆的其他回族,態度卻又完全不同。當論及回教地區的宣教, 教會總認為中國人比西方人更合適,沒有他們的包袱。我們為中國教會禱告,求主感動我們能先有謙卑的心,滿有主的憐憫,更多認識穆斯林的需要,而不是民族優越感。

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Prayer Request 3/4 - 3/10

TuesdayChina’s new high-speed trains first started five years ago, now practically every train is sold out, with trains leaving for cities all over the country every several minutes. There is always a long lines snake back from ticket windows. We praise God for the sprouting up of new churches in large and midsize cities, currently, a church of less than 150 is tolerated by officials. So, we pray for protection for all these churches, so they will be bold in sharing their faith and lead them to Jesus.
The high-speed rail system carries nearly twice as many passengers each month as the country’s domestic airlines and increases 28% a year. A 430-mile trip from Guangzhou to Changsha, took a full day by regular trains, now takes only 2 hours 20 minutes. Young people, well-educated and professionals are flocking to churches in the cities. We pray for spiritual growth for these "cream of the crops", so they would used mightily by the Lord, serving with humility and exercise their spiritual gift.
As a hundred cities are connected by the high-speed rail system, efficiency of workers grew. And, companies find themselves within a couple of hours’ train ride, there are now tens of millions of potential customers, employees and rivals. We thank the Lord for His grace for the red hot growth among all the college ministries. We pray that these college fellowship will connect with local churches, so new believers are plug into serving in churches and many will answer the call to serve the Lord full time.
Companies usually open research and development centers in more glamorous cities like Beijing and Shenzhen with abundant young, highly educated workers, but use them to take frequent day trips to factories in cities with lower wages and land costs, like Tianjin and Changsha. More colleges graduates are able to find work in the cities they graduate without moving to bigger cities. This allows better follow up of graduates in the college ministries too. We pray that young believers will continue to attend church and grow in Christ.
Some Christian couples live apart—one in one city and the other in a different city. Some husbands work in cities while their families remain in the villages. While these things are not ideal and weaken the marriages, this kind of arrangement is quite common in the rural churches of China. We pray for the strengthening of the marriages of all believers and that the Lord will guard the hearts and thoughts of all of us. May the Holy Spirit empower us so we will not be tempted. We pray for the parent-child relationship in these “separated families”.
Historically, in the churches in China women are in the majority and many of them are married to unbelieving husbands. Many of the sisters are single and looking for mates. They are pressured to marry unbelievers and many succumb experiencing more problems after marriage. We beseech God to have mercy on those sisters who are married to unbelievers and face opposition, even persecution. Unfortunately, some have totally given up attending church. May the Lord help them and protect their desire to serve Him.
Many women become Christians after they are married. They experience much pressure from their unbelieving husbands. Some husbands even go to church but demand their wives stay at home rather than going with them. Let us pray for these sisters that the Lord will give them comfort from above. We pray that the difference in their value systems will not be an obstacle or a source of misery but rather, a great opportunity to live out God’s love.

高鐵旅客量已是航空業的兩倍,並且每年增長達28%。 從廣州到430英里外(約合690公里)的長沙,傳統火車需要坐一整天, 高鐵現在只需2小時20分鐘。中大城市中的教會增多了,成員也多為知識份子、青年、青年家庭,都是社會精英。我們為這些新信徒靈命長進祈求,願他們被主大大得著,有謙卑服事的心智,靠者主發揮恩賜。
超過100座城市因為高鐵網絡更緊密的連接在一起,無疑地提高了效能。企業在只有幾個小時的車程範圍內,增加了數以千萬計的潛在消費者、僱員和競爭對手。感謝神! 近來大學生歸主是最火紅的事工,這是神特別的恩典。我們禱告各地大學生事工能與當地教會配搭,不僅僅是團契,更是能建立學生為主體的教會,並能回應神的選召跟隨主。